I consider
this a very catchy and explicit quote that states and justifies the fundamental
and sometimes the only purpose of business. It also exposes the ambitious
nature of humankind in which increasing profits is above the negative collateral
effects of such businesses on other people or entities.
are as diverse as people´s interests; not all of them look for an economical
profit. So if we only consider the ones that do so, increasing profits mean an
accumulation of wealth at the expense of others, as not everyone is a business
man and as we live in a world with limited resources.
The responsibility
of the business outcomes can´t be unlinked from the human nature of the
businessmen. Therefore increasing profits shouldn´t be the only purpose of
business but the improvement of life quality at the level the business is
getting the profits from.
topic of great conversation. although I agree with the observation, makong businessmen frugal its almost impossible.