Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Here, I have been a user and a researcher

Resource systems: The highest coastal mountain of the world (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta) forms several bays and coves when its foothills deepen in the Caribbean Sea. These unique landscapes contain mangroves, shrubs, forests, coral reefs among other ecosystems and are contained in Tayrona National Natural Park (PNNT). It comprises 12000 hectares. The human constructed facilities to be found are comfortable cabins, several hammocks and camping zone, paths, parking zone, restaurants, and auditoriums.
The natural productivity of the system is high; for example the primary productivity of sea grass is of 25g/m2/day (1), which means it totally renews in a month.

Resource units: land, water, fauna and flora are in constant interaction, except when there are human facilities. Their interactions vary according to the season (dry or rainy). The economic value is mostly represented by touristic activities. Units are defined and labeled by sectors spatially delimited.

Governance systems: The governmental organizations involved are the departmental governance and Colombian National Natural Parks (PNNC). The non-government organizations include the grant given to a private touristic company currently running the park administration, other small touristic organizations, indigenous tribes and locals. The network is mainly organized by the grant. Locals have their property rights although there is conflict to respect the operational rules. The collective-choice rules are if non-existent, irrelevant. The monitoring isn´t continuous and sanctioning does not run well owing to corruption at all levels.

Users: Although the land and sea have been historically used as source of food either by hunting, fishing or planting crops, for several decades the most important activity is tourism. The number of visitors increases every year. 293502 visitors registered in 2012 (2) from which 50% were foreigners. Locals had their own norms, but lack of leadership and entrepreneurship favored the arrival of the grant; in spite of stablishing a monopoly in the touristic business, it organized the administration, improved the protection over natural resources, and implemented solar panels. The communication between researchers, locals, government and users is insufficient and conflictive; therefore the common knowledge is limited.

Everyone acknowledge the relevance of Tayrona Park and its vulnerability.

(2)    Herrera-Martinez, Yimy. 1995. Biomasa y producción primaria en una pradera de Thalassia testudinum en la bahía de Neguange, PNNT. Acta biológica Colombiana n°9. P 147-157.


  1. An introduction about the Tayrona National Natural Part would be a good addition. I like the explanation at each section, especially the Users part where conflicts between the users are highlighted and explained, even stating the limitations. I could not identify the role that private firms play in your SES, did you take them into account? A concluding paragraph at the end would be a nice closing element instead of one statement in bold. I am a little bit confused if this is a good example of a SES because private firms do not play a role and the resource units are not resources used for consumption.

  2. This is a great example of SES, every role is clear and well analyzed.
    However I do have some questions and comments.
    You mentioned in the Users part about monopoly in the tourist sector, do you mean the one private tour agency who does the administration? You wrote '...favored the arrival of the grant', I tried to understand here 'the grant' as the monopoly tour agency, or did I understand it wrong?
    I read the first comment, in my opinion this private administrative agency is the private firm and it plays an important role. However just to be sure, maybe you can ask in the lecture to confirm your chosen topic is fine. I hope so, I find this a very good blog!
    Secondly, still in the Users part, you wrote ' The communication between researchers, locals, government and users is insufficient and conflictive; therefore the common knowledge is limited.' I don't understand what does the 'common knowledge' refer to, maybe you can elaborate in your blog?
    Last one, and it is still in the Users part :p Here it is good that you pointed out the interactions and conflicts. However since the main users are the tourists I think it will be great if you can discussed more about the impacts that the tourists have to the resource system and resource units.
